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Some Of The Best Life Changing Advice I Ever Received: Get Out of Your Head, Off Your Ass & Move

Updated: Sep 12, 2024

There is only one ad I've ever clicked on that changed my life the moment I did it.

It was about 8 years ago and it was a business ad targeted at men, the guy claimed to have a system he'd created to help people ignite their creativity and move through the deepest personal blocks holding them back professionally.

He had a $29 ebook.

I bought the book.

Best $29 I ever spent.

I expected some complex cosmic download.

It was 10 pages long, I read them all right there.

10 life-changing pages.

It was so blind-sighting powerful and obvious that I don't even remember the author's name, but the wisdom went into my bones.

I'll summarize it in 6 words.

"Get off your ass and move!"

The guy went on a ten-page rant that none of your personal or business problems have anything to do with lack of time, or skill, or not knowing the right strategy or what to do.

99% of the time the issue is in your head, you're stuck in your head.

The solution isn't inside of your head, the solution is in a higher state of consciousness, and the quickest way to get there is to prioritize IGNITION and LIGHT YOUR SOUL ON FIRE.

When is the last time you stopped obsessing about your problems, put down the self-help book went into the wilderness and LIVED?

When is the last time you stopped looking for answers and prioritized spending time doing what you absolutely love for no reason what-so-ever?

Get LIT first, and then see what happens.

Right there and then I realized I was being an idiot, and started applying the guidance immediately.

Back then, I was surrounded by nature but hardly spent any time in it.

I quit trying to figure things out and started running up mountains every weekend, going to every camp-fire invitation that I came across, and spending as much time in the elements as possible, moving my body and challenging myself more and more every time.

I bought a sailboat in BC and spent the summer and fall sailing and anchored in the most majestic places I could find to do nothing else but spend time with the wildlife all around me.

All the stuck energy inside of my being began to dissolve.

Clarity came.

I had better ideas.

The right people appeared.

The right information appeared.

The right teachers appeared.

The "problems" I had before became irrelevant or solved themselves.

I created new music.

I ended toxic relationships, I started new ones.

A stopped doing e-commerce and started working as a coach and mentor.

Nature has a way of bringing you into your body, lifting you up, and aligning your frequency to what actually matters, it's the ultimate medicine.

When what doesn't matter falls away, naturally the only thing that remains is what matters.

It doesn't take a lot of energy to focus on what actually matters.

When you act on what actually matters, you move mountains without a lot of effort.

I started to see and embody something that I preach every day now:

If you want to invite something new into your life, be it money, clients, health, love, or a vision, first you have to become a frequency match of it.

Energy first, 3D external results later.

Experience first, then understanding.

There is no way that's going to happen by you sitting on your ass and staying the same.

At first living this way was kind of hard, I realized I was addicted to "figuring things out" in my head.

How could I take a weekend off and go hiking in the woods?

I had too many problems to solve and figure out.

Little by little I figured out that what I was actually terrified of the most was losing control.

That familiar feeling you get when you don't know what to do, you feel alone, afraid, anxious, when your butt tightens and you start searching for answers...

...I would do anything to make that feeling and the uncertainty go away and spend hours trying to figure this out in my head.

Looking back at myself I smile now.

I've learned to make the "unknown" my home.

All those feelings I used to run from...

Adventure and life-experience has taught me to call them my home and embrace them.

Instead of searching for the answers, I head out into the wilderness, I calm my soul, ask deeper questions, and become the answer I've been looking for.

Today one of my mantras is "I prioritize my energetic ignition."

What that means to me is that whenever I'm stuck or energy starts to feel dull, it's a symptom that I'm in my head and need to get into my body.

I move, I go for a run, take a hiking trip, or seek ceremony.

If you're stuck anywhere, it means you're creating the same energetic conditions over and over again.

If the energy doesn't move first, nothing else will move.

If you're asking all the right questions but solutions aren't appearing, it's because you're in the wrong energetic state.

Get off your ass and move, get lit up, light your soul on fire, prioritize that, then the "how" will come into focus.



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