Over the past year, this piece of paper and what's written on it has been my only intention, guiding post, and rudder in the vast Ocean of life.
Call it an experiment.
...it has served me well.
No goals.
Nothing to strive for.
No numbers with zeros behind them.
No definitive place to arrive at by which I'd know I finally made it or was "enough."
No grandiose vision.
Just that - "Show me who I truly am, my real joy, mission, play, creativity, and true love."
I wrote that down and promised myself one thing.
That I would do whatever was asked of me by life to stay true to that intention.
I knew that I'd only share the findings from this experiment when it was time.
That time has come.
Moments before writing on that piece of paper, I found myself standing over the edge of a big black hole and looking deep into its belly.
The edge I was on was the realization that while I had ventured far in my evolution, I had come as far as my current environment and situation would allow me to.
...the world is full of people who did some great thing, or had some spiritual realization 10 years ago that changed their lives and they're still talking about it.
...but to your soul it doesn't really matter what happened 10 years ago, or yesterday, the only thing that matters is right here, right now.
And if the right here right now is telling you to get off your ass and move, you can either listen or go numb.
Ignoring your soul is very expensive in the long run, so I generally chose to listen.
...And in that then present "right here right now" as I listened to the silence through which my heart spoke to me, I found my life to be like a worn-out recording.
The same patterns of thought, the same people, and the same stories I told myself over and over again about what I may or may not do someday.
Over a series of unexpected events, I realized that I had no clue who I really was, what I was capable of, what my real joy was, my mission, play, and who I most wanted to be with this life.
I had only ideas of what these things could be.
I was only repeating patterns of what I thought these things were based on the past.
I had changed, I had grown, the things that moved me and gave me joy then didn't move me anymore.
...but I was still going on living as if I was that past character, carrying his habits, and interests and living in the same place as he always had.
I was afraid to meet the unknown and really jump into the Ocean of the unknown, again.
It was time to jump.
So I jumped.
Intention is a marvelous thing, it never fails to deliver exactly what you ask for, when you ask from the heart.
As I stayed true to this intention my whole life began to move and shift in unexpected ways.
The content doesn't really matter, a typical "man vs himself" drama involving romance, hail and lightening, adventure, dolphins, turtles, rainbows, storms and challenge... What matters is what's changed, that's the gold I'm walking away with.
The things that I thought mattered, well, it turns out they never did.
The visions that I aspired to, they melted, giving way to a higher nobler vision.
The man I thought I was, pieces of him fell away to reveal the pure nakedness of being.
I received nothing that I expected from this piece of paper.
Only what I needed the most: Peace. ...
Powerful things they are, pieces of paper.
There's probably one near you right now with enough space on it for a transformative intention that will change everything.
Use with caution.