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The Hero & the Hard Hard

I've spent much of my life praying for miracles.

Until I gave up and started creating them for myself.

Miracles don't just happen.

They are created.

If you asked me long ago what a hero was, I would probably tell you that a hero is someone akin to those who run into burning buildings to save people;

...someone who can muster the courage to overcome fear and unfortunate odds.

Today, I believe differently.

I believe the hero is someone who can conquer their own mind.

The one who can lay down their ego, their beliefs, their identity, and open up to something new.

That's when miracles happen.

That's when change finally occurs.

That's when healing finally occurs.

Most people listen to the voice in their heads that says "this is what is true", "this is what you are", "it can't be done."

The hero listens to that voice, embraces it even, but doesn't let it embrace him or her.

Most people never question their own thoughts.

The hero doesn't believe their own mind.

This makes them unstoppable.

The hero, when in a difficult situation, is the one who finds the

strength within him or her to break the mold of their own egoic conditioning, and align with a higher truth.

This isn’t easy.

The higher truth isn’t always palpable, it isn't always immediately rectifying, it isn't always immediately supported, seen or acknowledged, the evidence for it doesn't immediately arrive.

Because it often means the end of a certain story.

Feathers will be ruffled, people will be upset, and your own mind may rebel against you, but the sweetness of the truth will usher you forward like a light piercing the darkness in impossible times.

The truth will set you free.

But first it might piss you off.

It's not fun to see that you've literally been creating your own prison, but if you want to be the hero of your own reality, you must face it.

This is what a hero does: the hero holds space for a new possibility without having the full picture or the plan, just the vague feeling, a “touch in” with a new reality on the other side of the status-quo.

The hero doesn't have all the answers.

They only know how to ask the right questions.

If you look through history, you’ll see that no rebellion or war has ever led to true freedom or lasting peace, but the greatest monumental shifts in our reality have always been led by a single man or woman asking one simple question: “What if something else is possible?”

Ask that question long enough and you will receive a vision.

After you receive a vision, the most haunting question that most people never ask, is this:

“What if it’s real? What if this is really possible for me?”

Ask that question long enough, deep enough, and a fire will birth within you that will be unstoppable.

People follow heroes because they hold the key to something new, beyond the known.

Before you can be such a hero for others, you must first be capable of being a hero for oneself, and this is the greatest challenge and initiation of life.

A hero must be able to navigate what I call the "hard hard"

What is the "hard hard"?

There are times when things are easy...

There are times when things are hard.

And there are times when things are extremely hard, I call that the "hard hard."

1. When things are easy...

When you have a deep connection to your vision, you're in the most amazing state you can be, you see where you want to go, you feel where you want to go, you feel positive and the next step is clear, the support is there, the resources are there, that's when things are easy.

2. When things are hard...

When the resources and support aren't there, and the next step isn't clear, but you still have a deep connection to your vision, things are hard.

3. When things are HARD HARD.

When all things seemingly disappear, when the clouds of doubt and shame seem to completely overcome you and obstruct the view. 

When you know you want to go beyond your current limitations but have no clue where to start and are overcome by doubt and unclarity.

When your own trauma is activated and your own body works against you.

When every ounce of you says "I've had enough, it's time to throw in the towel", "you're not meant for this, this isn't for you,", "this is too hard, you'll never make it."

When the entire known world seems to be melting down around you and all reference points are lost.

That's the hard hard.

Heroes aren't born.

They are made, during the hard hard times.

In today's times, we are all collectively facing the hard hard.

As you face the hard hard, in whatever way it appears for you, you have a choice to stand by passively, or step into the hero.

Here's how I do it:

First, and this is huge don't skip it, I embrace what I feel, fully.

What you resists persists, what you embrace dissolves.

The light cannot be the light unless it penetrates the darkness, you must be willing to feel fully, even if it's abominable.

As I feel fully, then I apply what I've learned over the years...

I've learned that during the darkest moments you can't rely on conviction, confidence, or prowess.

Instead, the key is to connect deeper to your True self, with a capital T.

I can only rely on the memory that one time, when I was in a heightened elevated visionary state I could feel what I was moving towards.

In those moments I take deep breaths and connect to what I remember deep inside, and I remind myself that it is truer than the temporary doubt and fuzziness I feel in this moment.

In those moments, I remind myself that the doubt, scarcity, or fear I feel is only there because the only thing that can be missing is more of me in this moment, more of my presence, more of my love, more of my willingness to trust...

I then ask myself "What else is possible?"

It's about sending energy to what you truly believe.

...and I trust, and I move forward, just one step forward.

And then all of a sudden, the hard hard, that immovable wall in-front of me...

It starts to crumble, it starts to move, and light starts pouring in through the cracks.

And I get excited.

That's when I feel unstoppable.

These hard hard moments are required for you to become the person you need to become in order to embody the thing you've been calling in.

If you envision a life of courage.

Your courage will be tested.

If you envision a life of love.

Your love will be tested.

You will find the limits of your courage and your love.

And when you embrace but don't accept those limits as the ultimate truth, and keep asking "what else is possible?"

You become the person you were meant to be.

As the events of our time unfold globally, many are looking for others to blame or others to lead them.

I say, do neither.

Become the hero you were meant to be, step into your power, lead yourself, lead your family, your community, and create the new world from within.




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